Episode 03: Why You Should Know Who Your Target Audience Is For Online Marketing
Messaging, Branding, Marketing Strategy Hannah McCormick Messaging, Branding, Marketing Strategy Hannah McCormick

Episode 03: Why You Should Know Who Your Target Audience Is For Online Marketing

Do you know who your ideal client is? You probably heard this marketing term which really means who is your target audience. Who is the client you’re creating your services for and why? Knowing what types of problems they have helps you to understand and create services that solve their problems.

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Let's "Face" It: 5 Reasons For Showing Up On Social Media

Let's "Face" It: 5 Reasons For Showing Up On Social Media

Psst! I’m going to let you in on a little secret....social media is SOCIAL!

Okay, so that seems obvious but it’s something that a lot of businesses marketing on social media can forget. Whatever your reasons for being on social media, people want to connect with other people.

To do that, you need to show up!

Guest Blog post for Jane Carter, Business Coach

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