Episode 01: Marketing Goals

In today's episode, Hannah and Nicole discuss the frustrations of learning how to navigate the online marketing world and how to set goals to support your business growth for 2022.

An entrepreneur shouldn't feel insecure when creating a successful business. Hannah and Nicole emphasize the importance of believing in your skills and abilities. This episode supports listeners in establishing their business values and goals, providing clarity for business values in marketing rather than living under the pressure of the should of's.

Come check out this episode to help you to create your goals for the upcoming year.

In this episode, you will see topics like....

- Goal setting

- Social media management

- Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Meta

- Lead magnets (freebies)

- Networking

- Free online marketing

- Email marketing

- The importance of showing up on social media

- How to make social media work for you, not the other way around.


Episode 02: Guest Expert - Joyfully Cricket


Get Found On LinkedIn: 3 Ways To Level-up Your LinkedIn Profile