Episode 55 | Unlocking Business Success: Overcoming Fears, Setting Goals, and Creating Traction with Jane Carter
Guest Experts, Mindset, Goal Setting, Solopreneur Life Hannah McCormick Guest Experts, Mindset, Goal Setting, Solopreneur Life Hannah McCormick

Episode 55 | Unlocking Business Success: Overcoming Fears, Setting Goals, and Creating Traction with Jane Carter

In the first episode of 'Showing Up Solo' for 2024, guest Jane Carter (wonderfully her third appearance on the podcast!) offers insights on setting goals and creating traction for the year ahead, specifically catered to solopreneurs. Jane shares her method for setting business goals which focuses on reflection, self-compassion, and identifying patterns and behaviors needing adjustment.

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Why Is It Important To Have A Goal When Marketing Your Business On Social Media?
Goal Setting, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Hannah McCormick Goal Setting, Marketing Strategy, Social Media Hannah McCormick

Why Is It Important To Have A Goal When Marketing Your Business On Social Media?

A lot of business owners feel like they “should” be using social media to market their business without really knowing what they want to get out of it. They want more business (obviously) - but let's be more specific here. Knowing the next step your audience needs to take to start moving down your sales funnel is vital for successfully generating new business using social media.

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