Episode 55 | Unlocking Business Success: Overcoming Fears, Setting Goals, and Creating Traction with Jane Carter

In the first episode of 'Showing Up Solo' for 2024, guest Jane Carter (wonderfully her third appearance on the podcast!) offers insights on setting goals and creating traction for the year ahead, specifically catered to solopreneurs. 

Jane shares her method for setting business goals which focuses on reflection, self-compassion, and identifying patterns and behaviors needing adjustment.

Key takeaways: 

  • The importance of recognizing personal growth alongside business growth.

  • Enjoying the process and not just checking a box.

  • Loving what we do.

  • Figuring out the smallest step to take action on, to move forward with a big project 

Want more from Jane? 

Grab your free copy of the Soulful Solopreneur Workbook for Reflection and Renewal here: https://www.janecartercoaching.com/resources 

On January 12th 2024, Jane will host an online group session for a deeper look at the workbook's content. To get an invite, make sure you download your free copy of the workbook.


Episode 56 | Crafting Compelling Brand Stories for Entrepreneurs with Chantelle Davison


Episode 54 | Best of Showing Up Solo 2023