Why Is It Important To Have A Goal When Marketing Your Business On Social Media?

It sounds pretty simple, right? But a lot of business owners feel like they “should” be using social media to market their business without really knowing what they want to get out of it. They want more business (obviously) - but let's be more specific here. For example, growing your audience isn't necessarily going to get you more sales. Likes are not sales. Shares are not sales.

Think of your social media account as the window display of a retail store. An attractive window display will bring people into the store but it’s the sales associates that facilitate the sale. On social media, a well thought out profile and content plan will bring your audience to you, but the rest of your sales funnel will take over from there.

For your audience, there’s an action they need to take outside of the platform to get into your sales funnel. Your goal for your social media marketing should be to get them to take that step.

I like to look at the long-term or end goal when planning my marketing strategy. What are we trying to accomplish? Signing x many retainer clients, selling x many products, getting x many sign ups for a course or event. Whatever the specifics (and all goals should be specific), once you have a destination in sight, you can work backwards to map out each step of your customer’s journey.

Generally, with any social media platform, your goal will be to get your audience member off the platform and head somewhere else – your website, your email list, to book a call. All your content will then be geared towards getting your audience to a place where they're ready to make that step.

I want you to think hard about that next time you plan your content. Are you just putting it out for the sake of putting out content? Are you just growing your audience to grow your audience? Or are you being intentional about your marketing and guiding your audience towards your funnel, towards take that important next step in the sequence?

Enjoyed this post and want to learn more about marketing goals, check out this episode of Showing Up Solo.


Episode 19: How To Create A Lead Magnet That Attracts Your Target Audience


Episode 18: How A Podcast Will Help You Grow Your Business with Rachael Botfield