Episode 04: Aligning Your Business Values With Your Ideal Client - Guest Expert Heather Briggs

Hannah and Nicole were excited to meet with Heather Briggs for Radiate Real. She is a business and marketing strategist who comes from a heart centered approach.

Heather considers herself as a “generalist” - she has done lots of roles but she likes to look at business as a holistic strategist who analyzes business through the lens of who you are and the authenticity you bring to your marketing.

Heather encourages her clients to look at the deeper aspects of themselves in creating marketing goals that align with themselves as people and their goals as a business.

She emphasizes the importance of authenticity in your business and showing up in your online marketing.

During our interview, we discussed brand authenticity how it aligns with who you are as a person and how you feel about those marketing strategies.

We discussed how your journey in developing and fine-tuning your skills attracts you to the type of client you desire to work with.

While Heather encourages the foundational style of identifying your ideal client, she emphasizes the important question of asking yourself who it is you like working it.

As people change and grow, as do their interests and goals. Heather suggests that as time goes on to reevaluate your ideal client to ensure you align with similar values.

Instead of holding onto the label of client or customer, Heather suggests creating your ideal client avatar by using people you know and the qualities you like about them.

Many entrepreneurs may believe that once you have created your brand, that is the final draft. However Heather suggests that returning back to your brand foundation helps you to attract the right people to your business and offer the services that you like doing that solves their problems.

Topics covered in today's interview ….

  • ideal client avatar

  • target audience

  • brand

  • niche market

  • online marketing

  • marketing strategy

  • goals and values

This interview left Hannah and Nicole inspired to create a business that not only provides quality content for their clients but emphasizes how valuable it is to create a business that aligned with you and your values.

You won't want to miss this inspiring episode.

If you want to know how you can work with Heather Briggs. You can find her at:

Website: www.radiatereal.com

Follow her on Instagram @radiatereal

You can also follow her on Twitter @radiatereal


Episode 05: How To Package Your Services For Your Business


Episode 03: Why You Should Know Who Your Target Audience Is For Online Marketing