Episode 05: How To Package Your Services For Your Business

Knowing who your ideal client is, is a vital piece to your business. You need to know what their pain points are and how you can help them.

In Episode 5 Hannah and Nicole talk about why it’s important to know what types of services you will sell and know how to package them.

Knowing your clients why not only influences their motivations behind looking to outsource tasks but it helps you as a service provider to know how you can solve their problems.

Selling your services can feel uncomfortable for many service providers. They undervalue their worth and how much they should sell their services because of “money blocks”.

A concept where people have specific beliefs regarding their worth and how much to sell their services for based on how they were raised.

If you’ve been struggling with knowing how to package up your services, this episode will help you think about the types of issues that might be limiting your earning potential.


Episode 06: Why It’s Important To Create Systems And Processes To Grow Your Business with Audrey Joy Kwan


Episode 04: Aligning Your Business Values With Your Ideal Client - Guest Expert Heather Briggs