Foundations For Success

Discover an effortless yet potent marketing framework tailored exclusively for mature solopreneurs aiming to expand their business with an engaging online presence.

Are you eager to share your wealth of life and business experience with the world, but find that outdated marketing strategies are holding you back?

Do you find yourself lost in the ever-changing digital landscape, feeling like an outsider in the social media era, and struggling to connect with today's tech-savvy audience?

Do you yearn for a simpler, more accessible path to promote your business online, so you can finally share your valuable expertise with the world without hesitation?

Are you ready to harness the power of online marketing, even if you didn't grow up with it?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, it's time to take a step back and reevaluate your marketing approach.

What if instead, you could…

Wake up each day with confidence, knowing that your marketing is working for you, effortlessly bringing in new leads.

Picture yourself having the time and freedom to focus on what you love most—serving your clients or simply enjoying a well-deserved break.

Imagine having a clear roadmap and a streamlined strategy that’s as unique as your business so you can confidently navigate the world of online marketing, precisely directing your energy and resources for maximum impact.

Ahhh... BLISS!

Well, I'm here to tell you this dream reality is within your reach—and I have the system that will help you get there…

With Foundations For Success, you'll craft a brand that resonates with your ideal clients. Your online presence will engage and convert visitors. Email marketing and social media strategies will nurture leads and amplify your reach.

Without the proper marketing foundations in place, you've been experiencing...

  • An ongoing struggle to maintain a consistent income, so you’re feeling frustration and self-doubt.

  • Confused prospects who spend more time trying to figure out what you offer than signing up for your services.

  • A content creation process that's akin to trudging through quicksand, draining your time and energy with limited results.

But what if there was a different approach, one that truly understands your unique business needs and empowers you to create a marketing plan that works for you?

What if you could turn frustration into confidence, confusion into clarity, and time-consuming content creation into a streamlined process that delivers tangible results?

What’s inside Foundations For Success

Within 4 super-comprehensive modules, you will get step-by-step video trainings on…

  • Crafting a captivating brand that resonates with your ideal clients, giving you confidence and clarity.

  • Transforming your website into a powerful conversion tool, leaving outdated strategies behind.

  • Effective, automation-driven strategies to simplify and streamline your email marketing.

  • The secret to creating content that can be repurposed and reused across various platforms.

If only I had discovered this program earlier, it would've saved me thousands in tuition fees.

Feeling lost and uncertain after finishing school, I realized my expensive education didn't prepare me for marketing my own solo business.

Working with Hannah and taking the course not only taught me the ins and outs of online marketing, but it also gave me a major confidence boost. I gained priceless knowledge and guidance, honing the essential skills needed to thrive. With engaging weekly assignments targeting key areas for success, I attracted more clients and flourished as a Social Media Manager and Virtual Assistant.

~ Ashley, Social Media Manager, Virtual Assistant & Fellow Solopreneur

Discover the Four Stages of our Signature Framework…

When you dive into the Foundations for Success program, you’ll discover the framework for crafting a marketing strategy that is easy-to-implement, easy-to-maintain and as unique as your business.

Each step will build upon the previous, while simultaneously clearing the way for the next.

Step 1: You'll start by digging deep into the who, what and why of your business and brand.

By defining and refining your brand message, one that resonates with your ideal clients, you’ll be able to connect with your audience in a way that truly speaks to their needs.

Step 2: Then, you'll transform your website into a powerful conversion tool, leaving outdated strategies behind.

With an engaging website that, rather than reading like a cover letter, connects with visitors in a deeper way you'll easily turn visitors into customers.

Step 3: The next step is to set your marketing on autopilot by mastering the art of email marketing.

A cornerstone of modern business success, email marketing allows you to simplify and streamline your marketing efforts, allowing you to build meaningful relationships with your subscribers without being glued to your screen.

Step 4: Finally, you'll build a strong social media presence through strategic content creation that can be repurposed and reused across various platforms.

Our signature content creation strategy not only leverages what you've already built but guides you to maximize your content's impact without overextending yourself.

Foundations For Success is an effortless yet potent marketing framework tailored exclusively for mature solopreneurs wanting to build their dream business with an engaging online presence.

Meet Your Guide

Hi there, I’m Hannah.

Mom of two (plus a furbaby), lover of desserts, and frequent user of food analogies.

Like you, I didn’t grow up with social media. I still remember when the Nokia 3310 was THE cell phone to have, when owning a Neopet was all the rage and the Millenium Bug was a legit fear.

Before launching an online business of my own, my Instagram account was just pictures of my kids and cake.

In 2020, however, thanks to an early-pandemic layoff, I took a leap and launched my Virtual Assistant business.

I’m the kind of person who sees something I want to do and figures out how to do it. And that’s exactly how I approached marketing my new online business - I figured it out. I hustled hard in those early days to secure enough clients to cover my rent, before my severance package ran out.

And I did it. I survived.

But looking back, if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would have started differently.

Instead of diving into online marketing by…
  • relying on bits and pieces of information from YouTube and freebies,

  • attending every (and any) workshop hosted by industry experts,

  • signing up for several online courses,

  • learning from countless trials and errors,

… I would have started by getting clear on who I wanted to work with and how I wanted to work with them.

You see, marketing without a clear goal may get you results (eventually) but it will cost you precious time and energy.

I wish there had been a one-stop solution for me, somewhere I could learn not only the “what” of online marketing but the “how” and the “why”.

I wish there had been something designed specifically for me, a person who didn’t grow up with social media and hadn’t taken marketing or business courses as a post-grad.

That's why I created the Foundations for Success Framework…

…an effortless yet potent marketing framework tailored exclusively for mature solopreneurs wanting to build their dream business with an engaging online presence.

My framework helps you to build an easy-to-digest, easy-to-implement, yet highly effective marketing plan for your online business.

Using this signature framework, I've helped service providers like you gain more confidence, clarity, and achieve remarkable growth.

As seen on:

My framework isn't about helping you become an expert marketer for 6, 7, or 8+ figure businesses. It's about empowering you to become an expert marketer for your business, specifically.

My informative (and fun) teaching style will help you grasp the daunting concepts that you’ve been avoiding, pulling back the curtain and shining a light on all the “industry secrets” that have been alluding you.

So, get ready for a (loving) kick in the butt because I genuinely believe in you and your business.

I'm here to show you that you can, and will, master your marketing and take your dream business to new heights!

Unleash Your Marketing Potential

Say goodbye to the uncertainty of inconsistent leads and the frustration of navigating complex marketing strategies alone. Foundations For Success empowers you to:

  • Lay a strong brand foundation that attracts your ideal clients.

  • Create an online presence that engages visitors and converts them into customers.

  • Harness the power of email marketing to nurture leads and drive conversions.

  • Amplify your reach on social media, expanding your brand's influence.

Sign up and get all this good stuff:

  • 50+ Lessons of Marketing Training:
    Paramount & on-demand lessons so you can immerse yourself in a full sensory experience of creating your own tailor-made marketing framework, helping you take your business to the next level, at your own pace.

  • Expert & Easy-to-Digest Education:
    Knowledge that will elevate your marketing game, giving you the confidence and clarity you need for remarkable growth, so you can learn in weeks what can take others years to conquer.

  • 20+ Plug & Play Resources:
    Ready-to-use workbooks, templates, and scripts that will save you time and energy while ensuring your marketing success so you can easily implement all you've learned as soon as you're ready.

Plus unlock this amazing bonus stack!!!

  • Featured Tech Trainings:
    Get step-by-step guidance on building your SquareSpace website, mastering Flodesk for email marketing, and creating stunning designs with Canva.

  • Guide to Amplifying Your LinkedIn Presence:
    Boost your visibility on this powerful professional platform with SEO secrets, engaging bio scripts, and growth strategies.

  • Guide to Unleashing the Power of Video:
    Learn to capture quality video with your phone, edit and repurpose content, and confidently show up for your brand.

  • Curated Playlists:
    Elevate your learning experience with carefully curated playlists that take your skills to the next level.

Foundations For Success Is An Investment in the Future of Your Business!

This incredible self-paced course is a game-changer for solopreneurs who are ready to step into their full potential.

Get Access Today For Just $247
+ 2 recurring payments




Have some lingering questions?

  • Foundations For Success stands out by offering a personalized, engaging learning experience. The content is tailored to the unique needs of mature solopreneurs, avoiding generic approaches. The self-paced structure ensures that you have the time and space to absorb and apply the material at a comfortable pace.

  • Foundations For Success takes a comprehensive approach, addressing both the foundational aspects and the ongoing refinement of your marketing strategy. The program is tailored specifically for mature solopreneurs, providing insights and strategies that resonate with your unique business journey.

  • Foundations For Success is crafted to seamlessly integrate into your busy schedule. Depending on how quickly you want to complete the program, you can anticipate spending approximately 1-2 hours per week to fully engage with the content, complete assignments, and implement strategies. The self-paced nature of the program allows you to progress comfortably at your own speed.

  • Foundations For Success is crafted to seamlessly integrate into your busy schedule. You can anticipate spending approximately 2-3 hours per week to fully engage with the content, complete assignments, and implement strategies. The self-paced nature of the program allows you to progress comfortably at your own speed.

  • Absolutely! Foundations For Success caters to both established businesses seeking to enhance their marketing strategy and solopreneurs who are just starting out. By implementing a robust marketing foundation from the beginning, you set your business up for success right from the start.

  • Absolutely. The program is designed with simplicity in mind, providing easy-to-follow instructions and resources. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you'll be able to navigate and implement the strategies with confidence.

  • Finishing Foundations For Success marks the beginning of your marketing journey. While you'll have a comprehensive marketing plan in place, remember that marketing is an ongoing process. The strategies learned in the program will continue to support your business growth as you consistently apply and refine them.

  • Patience is key in marketing. While immediate results are possible, the program is designed for long-term success. The strategies you learn are foundational and will continue to benefit your business over time. Consistent application and refinement will yield tangible results.

  • Foundations For Success is intentionally versatile and adaptable to various business types and niches. Whether you offer services, products, coaching, consulting, or creative solutions, the core marketing principles taught in the program can be customized to align with your business goals. If you're unsure, feel free to reach out, and we can discuss how the program can specifically benefit your business.

  • Absolutely! If you're looking for a more personalized experience with deeper support, guidance, and hands-on feedback, I offer the Set Up For Success program. This 6-month, 1:1 coaching program includes bi-weekly 60-minute coaching calls where we not only work through the Foundations For Success content together but also delve into your specific business needs. This option is designed for those who want a more tailored and immersive learning experience. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to explore this coaching program further or have any questions about it.

  • Excellent! If you have additional questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm eager to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about joining the program.

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$247 X 3 MONTHS

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Don't let uncertainty hinder you any longer!

Sign Up Today and Ignite Your Marketing Transformation!

Foundations For Success is tailor-made for mature solopreneurs (like you) in search of clarity and confidence with online marketing. Get ready to feel empowered as you unlock the door to a future of consistent leads and sustainable growth.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Take action today and lay the foundations for a brighter, more successful future for your solopreneur adventure.