Episode 36: How To Use YouTube To Increase Your Visibility

In episode 36, Hannah & Nicole cover what YouTube is and why you should consider using it for your business. 

A common misconception is that YouTube is a social media platform. 

It is in fact a Search Engine like Google. 

Their top advice includes: 

  • YouTube shorts and how you can use content that you create for other platforms, like Instagram, and repurpose.

  • Using https://answerthepublic.com/ to help create episode titles that your ideal client would search.

  • Your YouTube channel is a place for all your video content to be housed and curated by you. 

  • How YouTube allows you to be able to optimize your videos so they can be found more easily by your ideal client. 

Hannah & Nicole also give you their strategy for YouTube Shorts.


Episode 37 | How To Use Blogging To Market Your Business & Boost Your SEO with Hannah Duncan


Episode 35: How Video Content Can Help You Grow Your Business with Tom Stanhope