Episode 20: Why You Should Start A Podcast For Your Business with Jennifer Lee Gunson

Have you ever considered the idea of starting your own podcast?


In episode 20 of Showing Up Solo, Hannah and Nicole invite Jennifer Lee Gunson of Jpod Creations to chat about all things podcasting!


Jennifer Lee has an extensive background in theatre and radio broadcasting and was impacted by the effects of Covid-19 on the economy. Jennifer Lee quickly pivoted herself finding a natural space in podcasting 


She emphasises the use of podcasting as it not only broadcasts a message helping you build your brand and messaging but it also has more opportunities for use. 


Many business owners miss the opportunity of using podcasting as a form of educating and connecting with their audience because they don't believe they have a topic that attracts- however, Jennifer suggests that people are searching for that information so any business owner should be taking advantage of being that expert in their industry.


This episode will have you motivated to create your own podcast. 


If you want to learn more about Jennifer Lee Gunson or how you can work with you can find her through…

Website: https://podcastconsulting.ca/
Instagram @jleegunson
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-leegunson


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