Hello Again: 10 Ways To Repurpose Your Content.

Why should you repurpose your content?

The mysterious and ever-changing social media algorithm, the digital gods we pray to every time we post something to our accounts. “Please let my followers see this, like this, share this”

You’ve probably heard a lot about how to “hack” the algorithm, how to beat the system. But each platform has its own algorithm, its own special way of doing things. What works well on one platform won’t necessarily work well on another. 

How can you keep up with it all?  It’s not like you’re an endless reservoir of catchy captions and scroll-stopping graphics!  

Well I have good news and bad news for you. 

The bad news is only a small fraction of your audience will see your content when you post it. The good news is ONLY A SMALL FRACTION of your audience will see your content when you post it.

This is really great, I promise. It means you can take that dynamite content you’ve worked so hard on and you can re-use, recycle and repurpose it! 

Infographic repeating content in blog post with easter eggs as illustrations.

How to repurpose your content.

Do you have a really great content idea? Let’s say you’ve just finished a value-packed blog post filled to the brim with ideas and information for your dream audience.

You’ve carefully formatted it for SEO, picked the perfect images and proudly posted it to your website. Now what?

Here are 10 ways you can repurpose that blog post:

  1. Send that email

    Share a paired down version of your blog post with your email audience. Maybe you can break it into a series of emails or just share the main points and invite readers to head to your site to read more.

  2. Go live

    If you can write about it, you can talk about it. Head onto your preferred platform and go live for your audience, covering everything (and more) from your blog. Maybe you can invite a fellow expert to co-host the live with you (and get your content seen by their audience too - bonus!)

  3. Get visual

    Can you sum up the themes of this blog post with a fun meme or graphic? Maybe you can create a save-worthy infographic that people will refer back to over and over again.

  4. Create a carousel

    Carousel posts are a great way to share longer-form content. They are more likely to get read start to finish than a caption and tend to get better engagement than a single graphic post. They’re basically mini-slideshows. (If your platform of choice isn’t carousel friendly then just convert it into a short video).

  5. Get Reel

    Pair a few key points with some trending audio and you’ve got great content for TikTok and IG Reels.

  6. Share an article

    Blog posts are perfect for repurposing as LinkedIn articles. You can add images, links and various calls to action in your article and give a great blog post a second life. (Make the header image eye-catching and pair it with a great quote and you’ve got some major sharing potential).

  7. Get interactive

    Use the main theme as the subject of a question and post it in your favorite group. Use the responses as inspiration for further content (and as an excuse to direct traffic back to your original post).

  8. Pin, pin, pin!

    Batch create 4-5 pins for Pinterest to drive traffic to your original post. Give it an eye-catching header and a well thought out caption, then throw it in your scheduler and you’re good to go.

  9. Swap stories

    Team up with a fellow business owner and offer to write a guest blog post (make sure you write something new or it can hurt your SEO) on the same subject, this time delving a little deeper or continuing the conversation.

  10. Make it personal

    Show your content in real life by telling a story or showing a product or process in action. Post this to your stories or create a video.

Of course, you don’t have to start with a blog post. You can start with any of these suggestions and then convert the content into, well, anything. My advice, take one idea and then see how you can make each and every one of these suggestions work with it. If the information is valuable then your audience needs to see it and their best chance of doing that is for you to give them as many avenues as possible. 

Would you like to know more about repurposing your content? Check out our free content repurposing guide, Full Circle Content here.


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