Why Flodesk Is The Best Email Marketing Platform For New Business Owners

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I only share content about companies that I truly believe in.

Email marketing is a must for small business owners and solopreneurs. Email marketing has a ton of benefits (check out this blog post for more) but, for solo business owners with no past experience, the tech can be overwhelming. Many online service providers shy away from email marketing because they just don’t know where to start.

That’s the reason I always recommend Flodesk! This beautifully designed, easy to use email marketing platform is perfect for users who want professional looking emails, automated sequences and none of the confusion that comes with other platforms.

Here’s my top 7 reasons for loving Flodesk!

1 - Templates for emails, workflows and sales pages!

Yep, Flodesk has worked with other successful entrepreneurs to create a library of  templates for both individual emails and full workflows that convert. You can pick the perfect workflow template for your goals, whether your goal is welcoming new subscribers or launching a new product. You can customize the timing, dates and actions to suit your specific needs. Even the emails are fully customizable so that every message you send out is on brand! In 2022, Flodesk also added a checkout function, so users can now pick a template for a complete sales funnel (sales page, checkout and automated delivery of a digital product).

2 - Click and Drag Email Builder

Not into coding? Not a problem. You can easily add or remove blocks in your emails, change the images, fonts and colours - all with the click of a button. Your emails will look polished and professional even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body! Even better, when you set up your account with Flodesk, you add your logo and business details and Flodesk automatically adds them to new emails. Created an email you love? Save it as a favorite and you’ve got a custom template you can use over and over!

3 - No penalties for growing

Unlike other email marketing platforms, there’s no limit to how many subscribers you have. You just pay one monthly price no matter how big or small you are. What’s more, you get all the bells and whistles right from the start rather than discovering you need to “upgrade” each time you want to try out a new feature. (You can even save 50% on your first year with my affiliate link).

4 - Mobile-friendly emails

Hate getting emails on your phone that are impossible to read on a small screen? So do your subscribers. The templates in Flodesk automatically convert to a mobile friendly format so you can preview your design in both desktop and mobile views. Bonus! They provide you with analytics that tell you what devices your subscribers prefer to open your emails on so you know where to focus.

5 - Form and Function!

Flodesk has beautiful, fully customizable opt-in forms in a variety of formats. You can choose to use a pop-up, an in-line form or a full page form. What's more, Flodesk now offers Social Forms enabling users to capture and segment email addresses directly from their social media profiles!

Once it’s set up, you can either add the code to your website or simply copy the link for easy sharing (you can even customize the link preview to match your brand). The double opt-in feature also allows you to make sure the people grabbing your freebie are genuinely interested in your services.

6 - Unlocking New Connections

Flodesk's latest addition of the API enables users to easily link Flodesk with their websites, online stores, and other tools. Essentially, an API is like a messenger that enables different software programs to talk to each other, allowing them to access and use each other's functionalities or data. What does this mean for you? It's simpler than ever to merge your email marketing efforts with the rest of your digital presence. Thanks Flodesk!

7 - Easy-to-Understand Analytics

Flodesk's new Enhanced Analytics Dashboard gives you a complete view of how your campaigns are performing. Dive into how subscribers interact, how effective your emails are, engagement with forms, workflow efficiency, and sales success. It provides clear insights for making smart decisions to enhance your email campaigns and boost engagement.

8 - Simplifying Sales

Flodesk has recently rolled out game-changing features tailored for boosting your sales efforts: the introduction of a countdown timer and e-commerce blocks. With the most customizable countdown timer in the market, this feature allows you to infuse "Buy Now" urgency into your emails or sales pages. Bye-bye third-party tools! Even better, you can skip the sales page hassle entirely by using Flodesk's seamless e-commerce blocks, allowing customers to make purchases directly from your emails.

So now you’re thinking “What’s the catch?”

Can it do everything that every other email marketing platform can do? That depends on the user. If you’re a pro at setting up complex workflows and funnels, if you love to code or want complex analytics then you might want something with a few more features. If, however, you’re a solopreneur or new business owner who needs to start marketing now and have no idea where to start - Flodesk is your platform! It’s easy and intuitive to use and as hands-on or hands-off as you want it.

Want some hands-on support with setting up your Flodesk account and using all these fabulous features? Grab my Flodesk Tech Training here.


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