Which Social Media Platform Is Right For Marketing Your Business?

Social media marketing is a lot like online dating. There’s an app for every type of person to find their perfect match. But which platform is the right match for you and your business? In this blog post, I break down the key questions you need to ask yourself before launching into marketing online.

Why do you want to use social media to market your business?

⁣First and foremost, you need to know why you’re marketing on social media. Simply being present online isn't enough if you want anything more than likes and follows. You need to figure out your end goal.⁣ Do you want to grow your email list, sell products or book more calls? Whatever the goal is, it'll drive your content strategy.⁣

Who do you want to connect with on social media?

Just like online dating, you need to pick the platform based on who you want to connect with. Who is your ideal audience and where do they hang out online? Think about where they are in life and what they’ll likely be doing when they're on their app. Are they absent-mindedly scrolling to kill some time, have they logged on to seek some advice or are they actively shopping? Your answers to these questions will help you decide what types of content to create.

What do you enjoy doing when it comes to marketing on social media?

How much time do you actually want to spend creating content and engaging on social media? Whether you’re planning to do it all yourself or you’d rather outsource it, you need to know how often you want to create content. Each social media platform has its own habits- on LinkedIn, less is more, but on Twitter, more is more. What kind of content do you want to create? If you’re comfortable on camera and could create hours of video content without blinking, maybe consider a platform that lets that type of content shine. If, however, you’re more of a wordsmith, then try a platform where text-based content is gobbled up.

Do you want some help finding your marketing match made in heaven? Check out this episode of Showing Up Solo.


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