Episode 60 | From VA to OBM: Empowering Women in Business with Denise Stancombe

In this week’s episode, Hannah is joined by Denise Stancombe, Online Business Manager/Business Mentor. 

As a dedicated Online Business Manager/Business Mentor, Denise is on a mission to empower women in the entrepreneurial realm.

Her membership, Girl Boss Clubhouse, is aimed at women who want to start their own business but don’t know where to start. Denise has created a place where they can go and get all the resources and advice from experts to be confident enough to get started.

Denise shares her journey from striking out on her own as a Virtual Assistant and making the realisation that she wanted to transition into her OBM role and support women who were in the same place she once was. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Biggest barrier to starting a business is the knowledge gap 

  • Networking is incredibly important

  • Don’t fear failure

“There’s no such thing as mistakes, only a lesson you’ve yet to learn.” 

Want more from Denise: 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/Denisestancombeobm

Girl Boss Clubhouse:  https://payhip.com/b/O6LNM

Facebook: Facebook

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denise-stancombe-09716b257/

Conversations with Friends Podcast: https://conversationswithfriendsdeniseandash.podbean.com/ 
(Check out Hannah’s guest appearance on the Conversations with Friends Podcast here.)


Episode 61 | Webinars: Engaging Your Audience Live with Leanne Calderwood


Conversations With Friends Podcast -With guest: Hannah McCormick