Episode 25: Email Marketing Legally And Why You Need A Privacy Policy with guest expert Jaime Bell

Did you know that if you have a growing email list legally you need to have a Privacy Policy page on your website? We didn’t either until we met with Jaime Bell of the Contracts Market. 

Jaime Bell is a business lawyer turned entrepreneur who owns the e-commerce shop Contract Market.  The Contract Market provides legal contract templates for small business owners like coaches, copywriters, virtual assistants, graphic designers and service-based freelancers. 

The ladies of Showing Up Solo are joined by Jaime Bell to discuss why having a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on your webpage is important when growing an email marketing list. She emphasizes that the laws of privacy and protection are very different around the world and so entrepreneurs need to be more aware of how they are sharing and protecting the data they are collecting.

If you are a small business owner who has a growing email list, this is a great episode to find out more about the legalities regarding sharing and protecting your email list data. 

Do you want to know how you can purchase a contract from Jaime?

Head over to www.thecontractmarket.com where you can purchase contracts for Canadian business owners and now US business owners too!

You can also find Jaime on Instagram @ContractsMarket 

Enjoyed this episode? Check out Jaime’s other guest appearances:

Guest Blog Post: How to Incorporate an Affiliate Marketing Strategy Into Your Business… Legally.

Episode 49 | How To Integrate Affiliate Marketing Into Your Strategy Legally with Jaime Bell


Why you should hire support when creating a course


Episode 24: Why Newsletters Are So Effective For Building Trust With Your Subscribers